Studying the Bible
An eight-session introduction to biblical hermeneutics applied to the different literary genres of Scripture, this class will help students learn how to make observations, interpret, and apply the various types of literature in the Bible. Students will learn how to discover the meaning and personal significance of narrative, psalms, wisdom literature, prophets, the Gospels, New Testament letters, and apocalyptic literature.
Upcoming Classes
This class will be offered in person, along with modules to be accessed online at the pace of the student within the designated timeframe.
- Module 1 – Introduction | Observation
- Module 2 – Interpretation
- Module 3 – Application
- Module 4 – Old Testament Narrative
- Module 5 – Poetry and Wisdom Literature
- Module 6 – The Gospels and Acts
- Module 7 – Old Testament Prophetic Literature
- Module 8 – Apocalyptic Literature
Textbook: Journey Into God’s Word: Your Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible – By J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays