How to Mine the Old Testament for Gospel Treasure
While Christians may confess that the first three quarters of the Bible is “breathed out by God” (2 Tim 3:16) and “bears witness about [Jesus]” (John 5:39), and although they may affirm that it is “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16), they often find it difficult to discover in it the kinds of life-transforming riches that would lead them to be “complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:17). Put another way, it is one thing to believe that the Old Testament is a bottomless mine of life-transforming gospel-treasure, and it is quite another to experience its riches as we mine deeply. This course will provide a model for Christ-saturated and biblically grounded reading of the Old Testament as Christian Scripture. Students will also be equipped with categories to consider as they seek Christ-centred application in their own encounter with the Old Testament.
We are pleased to have Dr. Ian J. Vaillancourt, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, from Heritage Theological Seminary join us for this course. You can read his biography HERE.
Upcoming Classes
This course will be offered in a hybrid model made up of self-study and in-person interaction. All required reading and assignments will be accessed and submitted through an online student portal.
- Module 1 – The Old Testament in the New Testament: Read the Answer Key
- Module 2 – The Big Picture: Understand the Bible’s Unfolding Story
- Module 3 – Promises and Prophecies: Trace the Path to Christ
- Module 4 – Contrast: Know that Christ is Better
- Module 5 – Typology: Move from Old Testament Shadow to New Testament Substance
- Module 6 – Transformed by God’s Word: Experience Gospel Application and Direct Application
Textbook: The required textbook for this course is available through Please purchase ahead of start date.